I believe that this has been one of the most challenging issues parents have to face and we decided to talk about it... Ride with Us. Before your child is 2 years old, teach the proper names for genitals. form 3 to 5 talk about where babies come from and talk about consent, respect and privacy. Prepare your child for puberty during ages 6 to 9, so it will be less scary for them. Both boys and girls should know now about periods and safe sex. from 10 to 13 , have open discussions about changing bodies and feelings. come teen years, talk feelings in relation to sex.
Mimi's Place
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4 Strength Training Exercises
SO recently I realised I go to the gym and spend an hour and half moving from one machine to another but I hardly do any strength exercises and then decided to write about it since I feel I wouldn't be the only one in that place of workout...Tired of the same old exercises? Try these excellent alternatives. They’re a great way to enhance your physique and add more fun to your workout program as well.
Ways Of Drinking Water The Right Way
Water: God’s Most Precious Gift
Water. Ever wondered how precious it is? As a kid, I always learned about conserving water, not that I grew up in a dry place. We had an ample supply of drinking water. As a young kid I always saw a vast difference between how my grandmom drank water versus how the following generations of my uncles and aunts drank water. For example, whenever my meal was served next to my grandmom, she suggested not to drink water but to sip it, and not all at once. She especially did not drink water half an hour before a meal, and she waited a minimum 15 minutes after a meal.
Drinking Water Does It Help You Lose Weight???

Benefits Of Rice Water For Kids: A Simple Solution
Rice in its many forms figures prominently in many cuisines, especially Asian. But did you know that the starchy liquid we throw away after cooking rice is also a powerhouse of energy and nutrients?
Rice water is basically the water residue obtained after you cook rice in water. Ancient sciences like ayurveda and naturopathy recognize its many benefits and use it for nutritional interventions. And it’s so mild and gentle that even your children can benefit. Here’s what rice water can do.
What You Need To Know About Ejaculation Dysfunction
The word ejaculation (derived from ex, meaning “out” and jaculari, meaning “to throw, shoot, hurl, cast”) is defined as the discharge of semen from the urethra (urinary channel), usually accompanied by orgasm.
Although not life-threatening, ejaculation issues are bothersome. It can even lead to quality of life problems that can be relationship-threatening. Most men do not appreciate meager, lackadaisical ejaculation and orgasm, or if the process occurs too rapidly, too slowly or not at all. Sex retains its importance no matter how old we are and achieving a rigid erection and the ability to ejaculate and experience orgasm are all vital components.
The Right Way To Wean Your Child...
The first year of a baby’s growth is a critical time in their life – and yours. As you move from raising a cooing baby to an infant, you will cross several key milestones. Of course, nothing is closer to the heart than weaning. Getting it right isn’t always easy, and you’ll encounter multiple viewpoints regarding the ins and outs of weaning. This can be anything from when to start, how to do it, and what foods to try. And while there is no universal answer to what’s perfect for your child, there are certain things you can do to make sure it runs smoothly. Not sure where to start? Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.
Some Gluten-Free Snacks For Kids That Even You Can't Resist
Gluten sensitivity or celiac disease affects around 3–13 of 1000 children and often leads to severe nutritional deficiencies. Being cautious about everything they eat can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to snacks since most of the packaged snacks do not ensure being 100% gluten-free. Below are some easy-to-make and quick snack recipes your kid would love to munch on.
Get Your Kids To Eat Better
As a parent, your kid’s health is the top priority. It’s up to you to make sure they eat a diet full of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. But when you have a picky eater, what should you do? They can’t live off of candy and cake! You’ll need a creative approach to help them eat better.
Tips To Keep Your Kids WATER Safe At Home And Outside
Water babies and swimming toddlers are the most enchanting sight. But while helping them take to the water and have fun is important, it is just as necessary to put thought and care to water safety for children. If you’re wondering if all the fuss around water safety is a bit of an overreaction, here’s some food for thought – drowning is the leading cause of death among children aged 1–4 years.
Bad Parenting -12 Signs of Bad Parenting! Are You One of Them?
How often have you heard that bad kids come from bad parents? The fact is that there are several signs of bad parenting. In real world our actions speak louder than words. The attitude, views, goals, and perspective of a child depends to a large extent on what he or she learns from his or her parents. In this article, we’ll look at 11 bad habits parents fall into, often without realizing it.
Ways To Help Your Child Focus Better
In the age of technology, its hard to get kids to focus. But, some simple tweaks can help them increase their attention span. Get them to practice yoga and meditation to improve concentration. Avoid multitasking yourself to teach them to focus on one task. Ensure that they have adequate nutrition and actively participate in sports. Ban gizmos in certain areas to enhance mindfulness. At home, breakdown tased and encourage participation in discussions.
Smartphones, smart TVs, social media, and the world wide web pose as mighty distractions. And, children, their biggest consumers, tend to get lost in them and lose focus. A lot of parents struggle with getting the attention of their kids. And, if you’ve got a child who seems aloof and doesn’t quite register any instructions fully, then you’d know this struggle. Here are some tips and tricks to sharpen your child’s mind.
Hormonal Acne - Ideas That You Must Try
Whatever our life stage, hormonal changes have a way of fiddling with our skin too. Ask any teenager – 8 out of 10 have acne woes! But puberty isn’t the only factor that causes hormonal changes which trigger acne. You can also get them before your periods. On the other side, pregnancy and menopause can improve acne in some and worsen them in others. Men and teenage boys aren’t immune to hormonal acne either.
Causes Of Reduced Libido In Women
Women's sexual desires naturally fluctuate over the years. Highs and lows commonly coincide with the beginning or end of a relationship or with major life changes, such as pregnancy, menopause or illness. Some medications used for mood disorders also can cause low sex drive in women. If your lack of interest in sex continues or returns and causes personal distress, you may have a condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).
But you don't have to meet this medical definition to seek help. If you're bothered by a low sex drive or decreased sex drive, there are lifestyle changes and sexual techniques that may put you in the mood more often. Some medications may offer promise as well.
Tips On How To Regain Lost Libido In Women
For many women, when they go through menopause, one of the biggest issues that you hear about are the daily hot flashes and night sweats. This is very distressing for many women, maybe even you. There is also another challenge that many women face during the ‘change’ that is often not talked about, and that is the loss of their libido. It seems to have taken a hike. Do you feel this way? If so, you are not alone and many women and their partners suffer from loss of intimate connection as a result of their lack of sex drive. It can also be a source of great tension in a relationship, particularly when their partner’s libido is ready for action.
Signs And Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure
Did you know that around 1 out of every 3 adults in America has high blood pressure?Blood pressure is simply the pressure exerted by your blood as it pushes against the walls of your arteries. If you have high blood pressure or hypertension, this pressure is higher than it should be. Your blood pressure may vary during the day, depending on your activities. While a brief rise in blood pressure is normal, continuous high blood pressure can mean that you need medical attention.
The Connection Between Masturbation And High Blood Pressure
Masturbation is a part of a healthy sex life but should a high blood pressure problem hold you back from flying solo? If you are avoiding some me-time in bed because you fear it is dangerous for you, what follows will put your mind at ease.
Mastrubation by itself may not cause a BP problem but it can cause a BP spike just before and shortly after ejaculation/ orgasm. If your hypertension is uncontrolled and you’re a high-risk patient, you may run the risk of a cardiac event or stroke when you masturbate or have sex. But having hypertension doesn’t mean masturbation is off the cards either – as long as your BP is managed properly with medication or lifestyle changes
Mastrubation by itself may not cause a BP problem but it can cause a BP spike just before and shortly after ejaculation/ orgasm. If your hypertension is uncontrolled and you’re a high-risk patient, you may run the risk of a cardiac event or stroke when you masturbate or have sex. But having hypertension doesn’t mean masturbation is off the cards either – as long as your BP is managed properly with medication or lifestyle changes
Your Penis Shrinkage...Temporary or Permanent????
Most urology practicers will vouch that not a day goes by without hearing these five words from a patient: “Doc, my penis is shrinking.” The truth of the matter is that the penis can shrivel due to a variety of circumstances, but most of the time, it is a mere illusion – a sleight of the penis if you will.
Weight gain and obesity cause an increasingly generous pubic fat pad, the male equivalent of the female mons pubis, which makes the penis appear shorter and retrusive. It is estimated that with every 35 lbs of weight gain, there is a 1-inch loss in apparent penile length. However, the length is usually intact, with the penis merely hiding behind the fat pad – the “turtle effect.” Lose the fat and presto…the penis reappears. Having a plus-sized figure is clearly not helpful when it comes to penile size and other issues....MEN GET IN HERE!
Signs And Symptoms Of Leukemia Every Woman Needs To Know
The big C is never a pleasant thing to deal with. But turning a blind eye on symptoms of cancer or hoping they are caused by something else can be worse. Unfortunately, a lot of women ignore early warning signs and just soldier on with their daily lives. And that can prove deadly. As with any cancer, early detection and treatment play a vital role in determining your body’s ability to fight leukemia – and your chances of survival.
Natural Remedies To Reduce Melanin Production And Fix Uneven Skin
Your summer tan, freckles, brown spots, and hyperpigmentation disorders like melasma all have something in common – melanin. This pigment in your skin gives it color and protects it from the damaging effects of the sun’s rays by absorbing or deflecting them. The more melanin you have the darker your skin. So, when you go out in the sun, your skin starts producing more melanin and gets tanned. While melanin can slow down signs of aging and even lowers your risk for skin cancer, excessive deposits can often lead to discolored patches of skin, brown spots, or even a stubborn tan. If this a problem you are grappling with, we’ve got some easy natural remedies that can reduce melanin levels in your skin and brighten up uneven skin.
Tips For A Thorough Natural Colon Cleanse
Given the large number of toxins we encounter on a daily basis, from pesticides in our food to exhaust fumes in the air we breathe, cleansing ourselves from the inside out is a necessity. However, colon cleaning is not a new concept. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks believed that undigested food in the colon produces toxins which enter the bloodstream and poison the body (autointoxication), causing illness. Ayurveda too subscribes to a similar belief.
According to Ayurveda(traditional beliefs), having a glass of warm water first thing in the morning is a natural and effective way to cleanse the colon. If you are struggling with digestive issues and want to give colon cleansing a shot, here are some natural options you can try. We’ve covered a range of options from the relatively mild to some invasive procedures. Do keep in mind, though, that you may need to consult a professional before you trying any.
According to Ayurveda(traditional beliefs), having a glass of warm water first thing in the morning is a natural and effective way to cleanse the colon. If you are struggling with digestive issues and want to give colon cleansing a shot, here are some natural options you can try. We’ve covered a range of options from the relatively mild to some invasive procedures. Do keep in mind, though, that you may need to consult a professional before you trying any.
11 Factors That Influence Your Chances Of Having Twins
Whether you can give birth to fraternal twins depends on your genes. Other factors that raise your chances include age above 35 years, a higher BMI, a diet rich in dairy products, and multiple pregnancies. IVF is known to hike the chances too. Do note, however, that the factors responsible for the conception of identical twins remain unknown.
The twin birth rate in the United States has never been higher, with nearly 33.4 of every 1000 live births resulting in twins as of 2016. The world of twins is fascinating, so it’s understandable if you feel desperate to have twins. But can you actually increase your odds of having twins? You can definitely control certain factors that have been seen to influence the conception of twins, but it’s impossible to guarantee that this would result in success.
The twin birth rate in the United States has never been higher, with nearly 33.4 of every 1000 live births resulting in twins as of 2016. The world of twins is fascinating, so it’s understandable if you feel desperate to have twins. But can you actually increase your odds of having twins? You can definitely control certain factors that have been seen to influence the conception of twins, but it’s impossible to guarantee that this would result in success.
Chapped Lips????? Home Remedies How To Fix it..
Lips don’t lie! And certainly, chapped lips reveal a lot of unhappy truths about how you live, travel, eat, and take care of yourself. And beyond the aesthetic angle, they can get painful too, so it’s important to fix dry, chapped lips before they become worse. Why do chapped lips happen at all? Among the host of possible reasons, cold and dry weather is at the top of the list. Other reasons could be...
10 Indications That Suggest You Need Couples Therapy...
If you are going through a rough patch in your relationship, then know that you are not alone. It is very common for couples to have disagreements, feuds, and even phases of emotional distance from one another. This might seem heartbreaking for some. But the ‘after’ that ensues ‘happily ever after’ requires hard work, commitment, and sometimes, even therapy.
The good thing is that couples therapy is effective and has proven to be so in 93 percent of cases according to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. But the most difficult thing for you would be to figure out whether you require therapy as a couple or not. Well, the first to step is recognizing that you have problems in your relationship. Sometimes, these problems might not seem apparent. So, look for these ten indications to help you and your partner take that call.
Is Alcohol Making You Fat? Things To Consider Before You Drink Up!
There’s nothing quite like a refreshing drink to unwind after a long day at work or to ring in the weekend. But that elegant cocktail that makes you feel like a million bucks might not seem that fabulous if you knew the sugar and calories it packs in! And the case for beer was lost a while ago, with the beer bellies you’re probably all too familiar with. Here’s the lowdown on how and when alcohol can cause you to gain weight and pile on that unwanted fat.
EARLY SIGNS....know what to look for
Earlier screening and diagnosis results in earlier and, therefore, more effective treatment. Screening tools such as The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers can be used by family doctors and pediatricians who are the first health professionals to see infants and toddlers on a regular basis. The earlier the diagnosis can be confirmed by a specialized diagnostic team, the earlier any necessary effective treatment can begin.
There are no medications that can cure ASD or treat the core symptoms. However, there are medications that can help some people with ASD function better. For example, medication might help manage high energy levels, inability to focus, depression, or seizures.
Medications might not affect all children in the same way. It is important to work with a health care professional who has experience in treating children with ASD. Parents and health care professionals must closely monitor a child’s progress and reactions while he or she is taking a medication to be sure that any negative side effects of the treatment do not outweigh the benefits.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioural challenges. There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that sets them apart from other people, but people with ASD may communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. The learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can range from gifted to severely challenged. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others need less. A diagnosis of ASD now includes several conditions that used to be diagnosed separately: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger syndrome. These conditions are now all called autism spectrum disorder.
Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills. People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. What Causes A Miscarriage? Risk Factors That Could Affect A Pregnancy
Miscarriages are never easy to deal with and many women end up blaming themselves. The reality, however, is that most early pregnancy losses are linked to natural causes like chromosomal abnormalities. Underlying maternal health problems and lifestyle factors may also cause miscarriage though these do not make up the bulk of cases.
Causes Of A Miscarriage
Losing a baby before you even got to know them can be just as heart-wrenching as loss of any loved one. But miscarriage is often just nature’s way of intervening when things don’t go to plan. As much as people around you might rationalise it, you may still wonder what went wrong. And if there was anything you could have done to prevent it. Remember, a miscarriage is more likely to be the result of something beyond your control. Understanding what causes a miscarriage might help you find some closure and take precautions for future pregnancies.
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