

Thinning hair, bald patches are all reasons enough to give anyone sleepless nights. Having healthy lustrous hair is one thing everyone wishes for. These days however thanks to the pollution, unhealthy food habits and of course busy lifestyles owing to which one cannot maintain healthy hair contribute to the reasons of hair loss.

If you do not want this to happen, you need to know the reasons for hair loss, so that you can prevent it altogether. Like they say, prevention is better than cure and in this case, I could not agree more.
Hair loss affects both men and women but as per studies, men are more vulnerable to hair loss as opposed to women.

Physical Stress: The most important and common reason for hair loss is stress. Stress of any kind can lead to a kind of hair loss called telogen effluvium. Hair has a life cycle. It is growth phase, rest phase and shredding phase. When you go through any kind of physical stress like an accident, surgery or even flu for that matter the hair cycle is pushed towards the shredding stage. You may notice hair loss around 2 to 3 months post the trauma.

Hereditary: Well, here there is not much you can do. If you have just have a look at your mother, father, grandparents etc. If they have similar hair growth or receding hairline then it is likely that you have inherited this issue.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy can cause hair loss in women. Generally hair loss is observed after delivery than during the pregnancy. In this case however, there is not much to worry as your hair will grow in a couple of months.

Protein deficiency: If your body is deprived of protein or if you do not consume enough protein, then there are chances of hair thinning. So make sure you consume protein which is easily got from, fish, meat as well as eggs.

Hormonal changes: In women specifically, going off birth-control pills can cause telogen effluvium. The hormonal imbalance that happens during menopause also results in the same. You can prevent it by talking it out with your doctor and getting information about the types of birth pills.

Anemia: Anemia is caused due to iron deficiency. This can be sorted easily by just consulting a doctor and taking some iron supplements. To know if you are anemic, check your skin if they are pale or your hand and feet is cold or you suffer from headache, dizziness and fatigue. Vitamin B deficiency can also cause hair loss.

Mental stress: This probably is the common reason in today’s world for hair loss. Death, divorce or any other kind of stress that affects a person deeply can cause hair loss. Try to reduce stress and anxiety by indulging yourself in things that make you happy or join some yoga classes. This can help you deal with your stress in a better way.

Weight loss: Sudden weight loss contributes towards hair loss. Weight loss due to any reason is in a way stressing your body or not eating well as a result of which your body may not get required nutrients. Make sure you are feeding your body with right nutrients even while losing weight.

Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions like Thyroid, Lupus etc. can also result in hair loss. So when you start experiencing hair loss, it is advised to take a doctor’s advice on it first and foremost.