The market is filled with beauty oils but nothing can beat natural distilled aromatic oils known as “essential oils”. These pure oils are used since ancient times for solving all skin and hair problems. Basically the essential oils are distilled from plants (seeds, roots, stem, flowers any part of plant) and have characteristic of it. You can consider essential oils are natural treatments for all your beauty and health related problems. Today I’m here to tell how essential oils can help you improve your skin and hair texture.
Youthful Radiant Skin: Fade wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, laugh lines and all those signs that are making you look aged by using “Rosehip seed oil”. You can mix it with your night cream and use it religiously to see results. This essential oil contains high concentration of natural vitamin A which is basically an all-trans-retinoic acid that helps in healing damaged skin. You can start using this essential oil after 25 yo boost new cell growth.
Treat Acne-prone skin: To keep your acne and other breakouts in control you will need “Tea tree essential oil”. It has antibacterial, anti-viral and an anti-fungal property which helps in prevents acne-forming bacteria. You can mix it with your creams, lotions, face packs to regulate oil production from your face and to control acne-formation.
Treat anger and stress: Aromatherapy is considered best to treat anger, stress, anxiety, headaches etc. The exotic, sweet, sensual, rich and floral fragrance of Ylang-ylang essential oil will relax your body, mind and spirit as soon as you inhale the scent. It calms down anger, stress, anxiety, tension, depression and manages your mood swings.
Stop Hair Fall: If you’re suffering from severe hair fall, hair thinning, gray hair and baldness then use “Rosemary essential oil”. The oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which stimulates new hair growth and also promote a healthy scalp. It can also slow down the greying and will prevent hair thinning by improving blood circulation. You can mix few drops with any carrier oil and massage on your scalp 2-3 times a week for better results.
Natural Hair-Serum: Make your hair manageable after every wash using “Argan Essential oil”. This oil is used as styling agent and recommended by many experts. Simply take few drops in your palm and apply it on ends of your strands to get rid of frizzy and dry ends. It will also make your hair smooth and add shine to them.
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