
Vagina Tightening

I will not run away for the fact that A vast majority of women around the globe suffer from the agony of a stretched vagina myself inclusive especially after child birth. I have given birth naturally to three children and trust me when say that it gets disturbing when you start having that feeling. Over time I have tried a few tricks and tips on how to fix it naturally with lots of patience and commitment. Read and find which works for you best for bodies are different, what works for A might not work for B.

A sagging vagina is known to result in a number of problems such as incontinence, reduced sexual pleasure for both partners, and delayed orgasm due to reduced friction between the vagina and the penis. When a woman feels that her vagina is becoming loose, more often than not her sexual pleasure will reduce and she won’t be able to achieve orgasm. The great news, however, is that there a number of cures from home that can help restore the tightness of the vagina.

                                     How Does A Vagina Become Loose?

A woman’s vagina is said to be loose when either the vaginal walls are not tight enough or when the vaginal opening becomes very large. Here are some of the more common reasons as to why women develop this trait. Giving Birth Motherhood is the essence of a woman’s life and they say a woman is complete only after giving birth to a child. However, the pleasure associated with motherhood comes at a cost. And one of the bigger prices you need to pay for the same is a tight vagina which would lose its strength and elasticity once the baby is born. During labor, the vaginal and cervical muscles contract and expand repeatedly. This action coupled with the arrival of the baby through the vaginal opening would lead to slackened vaginal muscles.

                                      Frequent Masturbation And Sexual Activity

The vagina contracts and expands every time you have sex with your partner or masturbate. With repeated contractions and expansions, the vaginal walls would tend to slacken and lose their elasticity. Again, too much force applied during penetration could potentially damage the vaginal opening and walls, causing them to lose their grip and elasticity.

              How To Find Out If You Have A Loose Vagina

Although most women would be able to feel a lose vagina, some may not be aware of the same. Here are some simple tips to help you find out if your vagina is loose.
Inserting more than two fingers into the vagina without any resistance or pain can signify a loose vagina. Then again, if you are able to insert your index finger into your vagina and not contract the vaginal walls (try wrapping the vaginal walls around the index finger), then you would most surely have a loose vagina.
If your partner starts complaining about not enjoying sex anymore and if you are not able to feel his thrusts or movements like before, chances are your vaginal walls are loose. A loose vagina would not only reduce your sexual sensitivity but would also not enable your partner to reach a proper orgasm.
If you masturbate frequently and find the need to insert larger objects to achieve sexual stimulation and satisfaction, chances are your vaginal opening might have become bigger and your vaginal walls may have slackened.

                 Natural Ways To Treat A Loose Vagina

There is no need to visit a doctor or opt for any kind of surgical treatments to get your vagina back to form. You can follow some simple, natural and very effective remedies that can tighten the vaginal muscles and reduce the size of the vaginal opening to a great extent.

Kegel Exercises

                            Kegel Exercises
One of the most popular ways to tighten the vagina would be to opt for Kegel exercises on a regular basis. Often recommended to ladies post delivery, the exercise involves a woman contracting the muscles of her groin and then relaxing them after 10 seconds.
Keep contracting and relaxing the groin muscles for at least 15 times and follow up with 4 sets of the same every day. Alternatively, you can try contracting your groin muscles while you urinate and hold back the urine for about 5 seconds before continuing. Do the same till you finish urinating. Repeat the procedure every time you need to urinate.

Vaginal Cone

                                   Vaginal Cone
Another very common method to tighten the vaginal muscles employs the use of a vaginal cone which looks like a regular tampon, but has weights attached to it. You need to insert the cone (with the weights hanging off the end) into the vagina and try to hold it in with the help of your vaginal muscles for a couple of minutes before releasing it. Repeat the procedure at least 5 times a day and add more weights as you progress.

Leg Ups

                                           Legs Ups
This simple exercise requires you to lie down on your back on the floor and raise your legs upwards one after the other. Don’t bend the legs, rather keep them straight as you raise and lower them alternatively.
A slight variation to this exercise involves moving your legs laterally as well. Keep the legs straight as you do so. Continue the exercise for about 10 minutes and do the same at least 5 times a day for best benefits.

Herbal Creams

                                       Herbal Creams
There are plenty of herbal creams that are used for tightening a loose vagina. They can be applied over the vaginal opening and inside the vagina for effective results.
Opt for a cream only after consulting with a physician. Even though these creams may not be harmful, they may contain certain ingredients that can cause allergic side reactions. So make sure you choose a cream that would offer you the maximum benefits with minimum or no side effects at all.

Home Remedy

Here is a simple, home based remedy to help you tighten your vaginal muscles. Boil some gooseberries in water and store the resultant solution in a bottle. Apply some over your vagina when you take a bath every day. The solution would restore the elasticity and suppleness of your vagina in no time at all. This remedy contains high concentration of vitamin C which is essential in strengthening pelvic floor muscles. It is surprising to know this fruit contains twice as much vitamin C than most fruits. These berries also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that make them great for cleansing...

Pueraria Mirifica

​Pueraria Mirifica contains high content of estrogen, a compound which helps in thickening the walls of the vagina by promoting the production of collagen which is responsible for regenerating cell tissues to keep elastic and strength...

Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are tender herbs with gentle stems and are effective in tightening vaginal walls. The strong astringents and antioxidants present in this herb will leave you feeling the tightness effects within minutes after your first application...

Oak Gall

Oak Gall, also known as Quercus Infectoria, is a plant native to Asian nations containing certain phytochemical compounds that are effective in contracting the pelvic floor muscles and at the same time rejuvenating the nerves in the vagina...
Aloe Vera
​Aloe Vera is a clinically proven remedy for tightening a loose vagina. Its astringent properties give immediate tightening effects, while its antioxidant compounds tone up vaginal walls to help bring back the loss of elasticity. Aloe Vera naturally contains vitamins A, C, E, and an array of B...

Apple Cider Vinegar

​ACV is used in many home remedies as it treats a wide array of bodily ailments, which makes it no surprise it can be successful at tightening the vagina. There are many different ways, such as baths, douching, and oral consumption to give your body the fuel it needs to start tightening...

Curcuma Comosa

​This remedy is known to contain estrogenic effects and increase the effectiveness of ovarian hormone which offers a plethora of positive effects for the body, including the tightening of vaginal walls and an increase in libido...

Castor Oil

​This essential oil is used for numerous medical ailments and skin nourishing remedies. It's many anti-bacterial traits makes it perfect to protect the body from unwanted infections and irritation...

Alum Powder

​Alum powder is found in many vaginal tightening products. It's got an astringent property that works to tighten the skin and give it a more youthful look. This makes it perfect for skin care products....

Black Cohosh

​The natural plant is packed full of phytoestrogens that are great for the female body and estrogen production. This is why it's been included in many over the counter vaginal dryness creams, menstrual relief, and tightening products....This plant has a large supply of phytoestrogens, tannin, and phenols. All of these are linked to vaginal health and rejuvenation. When looking at many popular vaginal firming creams you will see this on the ingredients label. In powder form you can make your own mixture for tightening.

Tell me what worked for you...suggest option that worked and you might be helping a need.

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