
Maintaining A Healthy Vaginal Hygiene

All women should be concerned about their vaginal health. A healthy vagina is naturally acidic and contains rich quantities of beneficial bacteria that help fend off infections and maintain a normal pH level. A healthy vagina will also secrete small amounts of discharge to keep itself clean, much as saliva is produced to help cleanse your mouth. Any interference with these normal conditions, and you may face vaginal irritation or infection. Here’s how to keep your vagina healthy..

Avoid Soaps And Hygiene Washes - The vagina is extremely sensitive and harsh chemicals contained in these fancy scented soaps and hygiene washes disrupt the natural pH balance that has to be maintained at a 3.5-4.5 level so that bacteria do not breed. Wash with plain water to clean the vagina.
Avoid Feminine Sprays And Douches - These sprays that claim to change the smell of the vagina are chock full of chemicals and result in washing out the healthy bacteria that helps to maintain the vagina free from infections and fungus. Opt for essential oils like rose, lemongrass etc mixed with water to spray on if it is a must for you.
Maintain Hygiene During Periods - It is extremely important that you stay clean and healthy during your period, as there is a chance for increased infections. Change your tampons and pads frequently and do not use panty liners every day of the month as this could lead to skin irritations. Opt for a menstrual cup instead of tampons. These are rubber cups inserted into the vagina to catch the blood and rinsed out every few hours. Chemical free and environment friendly, these do not irritate skin or disrupt pH balance.
Wipe From Front To Rear - After washing, wipe with plain, unscented toilet paper in the front to back direction. This is to ensure that no fecal matter enters the vagina and causes infections.
Opt For Cotton Underwear- Cotton fabric dries fast and prevents yeast and unhealthy bacteria from breeding. Organic, undyed cotton underwear is best for those who suffer from vaginal infections.
Wash Yourselves After Intercourse - Wash the vagina with warm water after intercourse to minimize unpleasant consequences of any bacteria or microscopic substances that may have entered. Both partners should shower before and after sexual intercourse to prevent unhealthy bacteria breeding in the body.
Pee After Sexual Intercourse - Bad bacteria may travel up the urethra as a result of intercourse. To prevent urinary tract infections, it is best to pee soon afterwards intercourse. This will flush out the unhealthy bacteria in the vaginal area.
Perform Kegel Exercises - Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the pubococcygeus muscle to avoid issues like urinary incontinence.
Treat Infections - Discharges with a fish odor, rashes around the vulva, should all be treated on time. Timely consultation could prevent what may possibly be an STD such as HPV, Chlamydia, genital warts etc.
Look Out For Changes - Know your vagina- the way it feels and smells so that you identify any unnatural changes immediately. Strange bumps, change in color, bleeding in between periods etc should not be neglected.
Care Accordingly - Remember that the vagina is extremely sensitive and a vital part of your body. Awareness and caution be exercised as you care for it.