
What Beauty Routine Mistakes Cause Skin Eruptions

There are many beauty treatments that could go wrong, from chemical peels that cause burns and scars, to breast implants that burst. In the same way some of the everyday beauty routine could be more harmful for your skin and your health.

Beauty routine mistakes you should stop following

Over-Exfoliating - Exfoliating your skin once in a while is good, but overdoing doing it can damage your skin. Salicylic acids, glycolic acids, retinols, sonic cleansing systems or cleansing grains are all great options, but just can’t use them all together, or too often. For most women, a weekly exfoliation using natural exfoliant is definitely sufficient.

Switching Products Too Quickly - It is not recommended to switch beauty products often. More is not always better, and it can cause irritation. Instead, keep things simple and natural.
Not Wearing Sunscreen - “Wearing sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy, even when you leave and return from work in the dark, is scientifically proven as the most effective way to preserve and attain a youthful appearance”. It is recommended to apply a sunscreen with a broad-spectrum SPF.

Leaving out Your Makeup Brushes -  It is advised to keep makeup brushes in covered canisters. There are aerosolized particles in the air that can settle on the brushes and transfer to your skin.

Cleansing with Soap - It’s fine to use soap or body wash where you need it–underarms, groin, feet–but water alone is sufficient everywhere else. Soap pulls off your natural skin oils, which, no matter how well you moisturize, can never really be replaced.

Touching Your Face Too Much - Touching your face often while picking acne bumps or touching by habit, fingers on the face transfer bacteria. This increases the risk of infection, and thus worsens acne and scarring. Also popping a pimple only pushes the bacteria and inflammation deeper in the skin, meaning it will take longer to heal, and may leave scars.