
5 Things The Scent Of Your Body Says About You

Did you know that even when you are not sweating or wearing a deo, your body still smells? Several studies based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) prove that every human body has a distinct scent, just like your fingerprint, thus aptly termed ‘odor-print’. Your odor-print is the reason why a perfume does not smell exactly the same on two different people, and how police dogs can smell out criminals. Your signature scent plays vital role in your health and relationships in many ways. Here are 5 things you need to know about your body odor.

It Can Find Your Soulmate

Studies have observed that people who have chemically different odor-print tend to attract each other. This is true in the case of humans as well as animals; odor plays a crucial role in helping you find your romantic partner. Though this is the case, smell does not entirely decide who you are going to end up with, as humans don’t consciously choose their partners with the help of body odor.

It Shows How Healthy You Are

Scientists say that diseases can add to our odor-print just like stress can. Though the studies haven’t exactly concluded how illnesses can alter our odor, it is true that we can sometimes smell sick people and know they are not keeping well. But science is yet to come up with an advanced technology that would help doctors diagnose illnesses like cancer and diabetes based on body odor alone.

It Reveals Whether You Are Stressed Or Anxious

Though humans cannot smell fear or stress, many animals, including your pets can. Your odor-print gets altered when you are stressed out or become anxious. This could be the main reason your dog rushes to your side to comfort you or protect you each time you are in trouble. Experts are of the opinion that stress and fear do not exactly change your odor-print, but adds to it. Which means your dog will be able to smell both your regular odor and the scent added when your are anxious or under pressure.

It Could Make Or Break Your Friend Circle

Though not consciously, people can actually tell whether you are a friendly person or a weirdo based on your overprint. This could be one of the reasons why you tend to like or hate certain people instantly, for no reason in particular. On a different note, you will definitely lose friends if you walk around without showering for days. But studies also prove that even if you smell wonderful, your odor-print has the ability to repel people.

It Could Attract More Mosquitoes

This is definitely a disadvantage no matter how you look at it. But if you get the feeling that mosquitoes target you more when you are out with your friends, maybe it’s true, thanks to your scent. Scientists have observed how the genes that concoct your odor-print are responsible for attracting mosquitoes.

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