
Uses And Benefits Of Fruit Peels For Your Skin And Home



Eating fruits is one of the tastiest parts of healthy living. But when you’re left with a pile of peels, it’s tempting to head toward the compost. Not so fast, though! Those leftover peels have mind-blowing uses for both your body and home.
These fruit peel uses will also be a game changer for your health. You’ll be dealing with less chemicals, preservatives, and mysterious ingredients. Finally, you can wave goodbye to expensive products. Check out these nine ways you can benefit from reusing fruit peels....     


Orange And Lemon Peels Fight Acne

Say goodbye to acne by using orange and lemon peels. Their extracts have the same abilities as antibiotics, so these can fight pimple-causing bacteria called Propioni-bacterium acnes (P. acnes). You’ll be less prone to breakouts, without having to use harsh acne medication. Inflammation will be less likely, too. Beyond pimples, orange and lemon peel uses extend to fighting staph infections of the skin.
Do you suffer from greasy skin? Use orange peel on the face to control excess oil. It has a flavonoid called nobiletin, which prevents sebum buildup in the pores. This compound also stops pores from getting bigger so that there’s less room for oil. P. acnes will also be less likely to thrive in your pores, proving that orange peel is amazing for acne.2

Orange Peel Tones And Strengthens Skin

If you love to get facials at the spa, you might want to learn how to use orange peel on the face. It has compounds that can perk up the skin tone, making it look healthy and young. Those compounds also strengthen the skin, so it’s a great natural remedy for cellulite.3 Peels from similar fruits like mandarins also have toning abilities.

Mandarin Peel Prevents Wrinkles

Like facials, anti-wrinkle creams can get expensive. But this is where the awesome uses of mandarin peel come in. The peel’s high antioxidant content reduces collagenase, the enzyme that breaks down collagen. This maintains the skin’s collagen level and therefore, stops wrinkles from forming.4 So if you want to keep your skin firm and wrinkle-free, consider adding mandarin peel to your beauty routine.

Orange Peel Exfoliates Skin

In powder form, orange peel makes an amazing exfoliator. The coarse texture will scrub away skin cells while giving your skin healthy nutrients. If orange peel powder is too abrasive for you, mix it with a small amount of milk, coconut oil, or honey. This technique can also be used with sun dried lemon, lime, apple, and banana peels.

Banana And Avocado Peels Moisturize Skin

Banana and avocado peels double as amazing moisturizers. Simply rub the peels all over your body and face for instant soft skin. This will lock in your skin’s hydration, especially after exfoliating. Another idea is to mix fruit peel powder with your favorite natural lotion.

How To Use

To use fruit peels on your skin, just rub it on with the flesh side facing in. But if you want to make a powder, you’ll have to dry them first. Leave them in the sun until they wrinkle up. Finally, pulverize the peels in a food processor or blender.

                                          Home Life

                          Ways To Reuse Fruit Peels     
Vinegar is a big part of green cleaning. It’s simple, cheap, and free of nasty chemicals. And thanks to its antibacterial properties, you can keep your home squeaky clean. But what if you can’t stand the smell? Add fruit peels.
Infusing vinegar is one of the most amazing uses for citrus peels. Just drop them into a large container of vinegar and wait a few days. Over time, the sweet and pleasant scent will mask the vinegar. You’ll even get an extra dose of antibacterial action. This can be done with the peels from oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, mandarins, tangerines, and pomelos.

Banana Peel As Plant Food

If you have a green thumb, use banana peels to infuse plant water. This will add extra nutrients and make it a real treat for your plants. To do this, simply cut a banana peel into several pieces. Add them to a bucket of water and let them soak. After a few days, the water will be ready for your plants.
You can also use this technique with avocado and apple peels. However, always make sure that your fruits are organic and free of pesticides. Otherwise, you might run the risk of contaminating your botanicals with chemicals.

Fruit Peels To Freshen Your Home

-After you eat a fruit, the peels stay fragrant. So why not use them to make your home smell fab? To make potpourri, dry peels in the sun until they shrivel up. Next, place them in a cloth pouch or a bowl.

-Another technique is to make stove-top potpourri. Start by simmering vegetable oil or apple cider over low heat. Add fruit peels, cinnamon sticks, and vanilla extract. Your home will smell divine.

-You can also use orange peel as an air freshener. Just cut an orange in half and scoop out the insides. Pour baking soda into the orange ‘bowl’ and place it in your bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom.
Now you know all about the versatile power of fruit peels. They can transform the way you deal with skin health, cleaning, and green living! It’ll also feel great knowing that you’re using less chemicals